This is a black and white photo of Jake and his Australian Shepherd, Zarra, in front of one of Jake's murals.


Hi there, my name is Jake Rutherford Wade. I’m a big redheaded dude living in California with my dog Zarra, a rambunctious Australian Shepherd I adopted when she was three years old. I am working on publishing an interactive art book detailing my journey through recovery. I specialize in pen and ink surrealism, and my art has been used to create murals, tattoos, and album covers. In my free time I shoot pool with friends, take Zarra on long walks in nature, and produce film projects. I have a sketch comedy show on YouTube called Picklez TV (fair warning: it's absolutely absurd). I also love to cook, play music, and study yoga.

Most days I am fortunate enough to spend sunsets walking my dog by the water. I take great solace in leading a simple life doing the things that bring me peace, joy, and serenity. I spend time with my family and friends on a regular basis, work on creative and interesting projects, and wake up feeling energized by the unconventional life I have begun to master. 

I am grateful to be leading a stable, thriving life now, though my recovery from OCD, depression, and PTSD has been a long time coming. For many years I struggled to navigate the waters of my psyche, its quirks, and what I perceived to be its failings. Through many years of yoga, meditation, therapy, and a tremendous amount of assistance from kind and gifted friends and mentors, I have found my balance. For me, art and creative expression was a large part of my self-acceptance and appreciation for my unique gifts. 

I believe everyone has unique gifts that need to be shared with the world. The health and wellness of our society, and of us as individuals, depends upon each one of us discovering and living the most authentic existence possible. I've found the gateway to this self-realization is often accessed by embracing the parts of ourselves that society, or our inner critic, tends to discount as "flawed."

Over the last few years it has become clear that I have managed to make a miraculous recovery in a relatively short period of time. I began sharing my story, my art, and my route to recovery over the course of hundreds of group therapy meetings. Creating my art gave me an anchor, and I found that sharing it gave me purpose. Realizing that my art wouldn't have existed without all that I'd been through, my relationship with my "flaws" began to change. My suffering became a great blessing.

Jake and Zarra outside

Over time, my peers began to reach out to me to express their gratitude for my sharing, especially in regards to my art and ability to capture the feelings and themes of recovery. I was (and remain) moved, and inspired. They encouraged me to expand my reach and share my art and story of recovery with the world. So, here we are.

If you’ve read this far, I suspect you’re someone on the recovery path, or you’re seeking assistance in recovery, or perhaps you’re a loved one of someone who is having a damn hard time… I’ve been there. Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here. I understand this is a nuanced subject and it’s a lot to process, no matter where you are in your journey. I hope the resources I create, as well as the media and tools I curate to share here, are of use to you or a loved one in need.

Which brings us to my personal mission: to be an understanding soul and resource for those brave enough to want to find their own creative path to liberation. I am here to assist those who desire the freedom that living a creatively-centered life brings internally. The everyday battles of recovery, personal turmoil, and creative growth are grand opportunities. It gets better. Not every day is a battle. If you need a friendly ear, click here to schedule a chat.


This website is the avenue in which I have chosen to reach the public with my offerings:

     1. Free articles and tools on the subject of creative living, recovery, and my musings and experiences with what works, and what doesn’t.

     2. Empathetic consulting for those brave souls fighting the (sometimes minute-to-minute) battle of creative wellness.

     3. Everything new and exciting about my upcoming art book, "...LIFE AFTER LOSING IT" - including sneak peaks!

Your journey is far from over, friend. I know the path can be treacherous and dark sometimes. Navigating a balanced, healthy, yet inherently unique life means you will be forging your own path. 

If you're feeling like you're running out of options, I hear you. I've been there. I want you to know things can get so much better. You are stronger than you think.

Everyday is a new opportunity to improve, heal, and thrive. What do you want your life to look like? How do you want to feel every day?

I am here to assist you in finding your path to sustainable recovery, peace, and a more well rounded life experience. I am grateful to be living a full life with energy to share. I look forward to hearing from you, and exploring how I may be able to work along side of you and share my lantern's light.

In the meantime, be kind and go slow. Your presence is enough, and the world needs the light of your lantern too.


"Thank you, Jake, for your sage advice on how to cope with my challenges with bipolar depression and trauma. The tools that Jake provided, particularly his guidance on journaling, meditation, and resolving isolation, were formidable. His naturally wise mind coupled with his artistic gifts gave me hope and awareness to deal with my existential crises. I couldn’t be more grateful."


"The genuine compassion and intimate transparency with which Jake Wade conducts himself is not only inspiring, but in and of itself healing.  Leading by example time and again he has walked me through periods I was glad not to be alone for. I am overjoyed to see the good fortune I've felt extended to others in the form of his art and coaching."


"Talking to Jake is relaxing and enjoyable while I work through my challenges. He makes me feel safe and understood. Jake is extraordinarily compassionate. He creates a safe space and an environment for healing."

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