Art of Recovery

Black and white abstract art depicting the trials and tribulations of love. As the header blog image for an article about Self-Love, the art illustrates flying hearts with wings being targeted by arrows, kissing lips being snagged by a hooked line, a figure to the left side opening a door that says "Do Not Enter," and the silhouette of a shark and its fins coming from below.

Self-Love: The Lasting, Sustainable Accomplishment

Self-Love Is The Answer To Feeling Well Everyday Why Outward Accomplishments Lack Long-Term “Feel Good” You know those 2 or 3 big things you want for yourself? The things that will allow you to have self-love, or let yourself be loved after you accomplish them? If you just could “get your shit together more,” or …

Self-Love: The Lasting, Sustainable Accomplishment Read More »

This is a piece of black and white abstract expressionist art depicting the hope and wild energy of mental health recovery. The art is filled with characters, such as swimming fish, a smiling monk, a hummingbird attracted to a lightbulb-centered flower, and a roaring dinosaur.

Mental Wellness and Recovery – Finding the “Good Side”

Mental health hurdles can be overwhelming! How can we find the “good side” in everyday recovery? The problem with mental health – in general – is people don’t tend to see the “good side” of mental wellness. There’s a lot of talk about the suffering, the inconvenience, and the somberness that plagues the days of …

Mental Wellness and Recovery – Finding the “Good Side” Read More »

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