
Black and white abstract art depicting the trials and tribulations of love. As the header blog image for an article about Self-Love, the art illustrates flying hearts with wings being targeted by arrows, kissing lips being snagged by a hooked line, a figure to the left side opening a door that says "Do Not Enter," and the silhouette of a shark and its fins coming from below.

Self-Love: The Lasting, Sustainable Accomplishment

Self-Love Is The Answer To Feeling Well Everyday Why Outward Accomplishments Lack Long-Term “Feel Good” You know those 2 or 3 big things you want for yourself? The things that will allow you to have self-love, or let yourself be loved after you accomplish them? If you just could “get your shit together more,” or …

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This is a black and white drawing by the author of the article depicting a bipolar mixed episode. Two human figures are seen in outline only, overlapping each other with frenzied energy. The larger figure has an abstract Native American headdress on. On the left of these figures, a devilish character riding a sharp spear is heading towards a raging, rearing bull under a half moon. Lightning bolts are coming in from the righthand side toward the entangled figures. Despite being cutoff by the frame, the artistic message around the art reads "LET ME OUT!"

Bipolar Mixed Episodes – The Gateway To Hell

Experience “A Day In The Life” Of Bipolar Mixed Episodes My personal notes from a five day brush with hell It’s my birthday today, and I am MANIC. There’s also a heavy helping of loathing depression… I think I might be entering a bipolar mixed episode. Can I ask you something, reader? When the party …

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